All schools and all grades on Curacao can join the educational programs for elementary schools (Funderend Onderwijs). For pre-exam students Secondary Education with the subject biology, we have the program 'environmental challenges'. Each school will be contacted each year to make appointments.

Terrestrial Education Program (TEP).

Our goal is that every child elementary school visits one of our national parks (Savonet, Christoffelpark, Shete Boka) or Daaibooi beach each year and learn about our local nature, enjoy the beauty and get aware of our environment.  

Contact Retty Schoop: +599 9 5128137


Marine Education Program (MEP).

Our goal is that every child group 6, 7 and group 8 elementary school visit our location at Piscadera (the Marine Education Center) and learn about our local nature and get aware of our environment. As part of the educational program the school children visit our Marine Education Center.
group 6: Turtles & Plastic/ group 7: Mangrovepark/ group 8: Coralreef 

Contact Ruthsella Statius: +599 9 5248511

Microworld in the Classroom

The educational department of Carmabi visits the elementary school with our microscopes.

Contact Retty Schoop: +599 9 5128137 /

The program can be adjusted to the age group. The students learn to use the microscope and get to know our micro-world.

Odoo • Text and Image

Environmental Challenges

The existing marine program on wastewater is expanded in August 2023 with the terrestrial program 'bats'. With these programs we conduct 3-hour programs for pre-exam classes (vsbo 3/ havo 4/ vwo 5) where we offer a combination of theory and practical assessments.

 At the school location we carry out the marine part, where we test the quality of various water samples and teach students more about the coral reef and the influence of our sewer waste and overfishing. The terrestrial part is carried out at the Hato caves and shows the vulnerability of bats and their role in nature. 

For pre-exam students Secondary Education with the subject biology (3 vsbo, 4 havo 4/5 vwo).

Contact Cor Hameete (head department Education) for more information.