Welcome to the education department of Carmabi! 

What we do

We inform school children about the importance of nature and our environment and the protection, conservation and sustainable development of the island. We do so by providing programs in the field, in the classroom, providing educational materials for schools and make information accessible for the youth. We also have a goal to educate the people who live on or visit our beautiful Curacao.

We also produce media programs, nature documentaries and we provide workshops and courses. 

Need more information or have questions? Please contact us at Facebook @carmabieducation or

School education excursions

All schools on Curacao can join the educational programs for Elementary Education (Funderend Onderwijs) and Secondary Education (Voortgezet Onderwijs).

For Elementary Education we offer a Terrestrial Education Program (in our National Parks), a Marine Education Program (at the location Piscadera) and at the school location our microscopy-lessons 'Microworld'.

For Secondary Education we offer the program 'environmental challenges', in which we focus on our waste water and the quality of our sea water.

School Education Programs

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Educational materials

Enjoy and learn from the informative videos, information sheets and worksheets made by Carmabi or partner organisations. For in the classroom or at home.
Interested in our local birds, coral reef, our local beautiful nature, environmental challenges or scientific research? Take a look at our materials. 

Educational Materials  

Education in the classroom

ready-to-use teaching methods about our terrestrial nature and our coral reef. As a teacher you can use the full package or put together customized lessons according to your own wishes. 

our classroom methods

Biologie voor jou

Dit lesmateriaal voor vsbo, havo en vwo is een aanvulling op het thema ‘ecologie en milieu’ uit het biologieboek van ‘Biologie voor Jou’. Met het gebruik van deze aanvulling is het makkelijker en leuker om dit thema te begrijpen. 

In dit katern worden alle basisstoffen met de bijbehorende eindtermen die je moet kennen voor een toets en voor het eindexamen (SE en CE) behandeld, vergelijkbaar met het boek. 

Het enige verschil is dat we ook gebruik maken van voorbeelden uit onze eigen natuur. Want onze eigen omgeving (Curaçao en Caribisch gebied) is met de diverse ecosystemen uniek.

Biologie voor jou

Other activities

More information on:

  • An educational Birthday Party for Elementary School children
  • An interesting group activity (fakansiplan) 
  • A guided tour in our Marine Education Center
  • The Marine Youth Rangers (MaYoR)

Find out more!

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